Astronomical Units

Last revised: 05/22/01 07:28 PM

Some common units and conversions:





Astronomical Unit

(the average distance from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun)




1.496 x 1013 cm
1.496 x 1011 m
1.496 x 108 km
9.296 x 107 mi
Light Year

(distance that light travels in one year)

ly 9.46 x 1017 cm
9.46 x 1015 m
9.46 x 1012 km
5.88 x 1012 mi
63,253 AU

(distance at which a star appears to shift its position by one arcsecond over the  time [about 3 months] in which the Earth moves a distance of one AU in the direction perpendicular to the direction to the star)

pc 648,000/pi AU (by definition)
3.09 x 1018 cm
3.09 x 1016 m
3.09 x 1013 km
1.92 x 1013 mi
206,264.8 AU
3.261 ly
hubble hubble 109 ly (by definition)
306.59 Mpc
Velocity of light

(a unit of velocity equal to the speed of light in a vacuum)

c 2.998 x 1010 cm/s
2.998 x 108 m/s
299,792.458 km/s
1.079 x 109 km/hr
186,282.583 mi/s
6.707 x 108 mi/hr
Hubble constant H0 60..75 km/s/Mpc
18..23 km/s/ly
Earth Gravitational constant

(average acceleration produced by gravity at the Earth's surface)

g 9.807 m/s2
32.174 ft/s2
Earth radius Re 6.378 x 106 m
6,378 km
3,986 mi
Solar radius Rs 6.96 x 108 m
696,000 km
435,000 mi
Earth Mass Me 5.98 x 1024 kg
1.318 6 x 1028 lb
Solar Mass Ms 1.99 x 1030 kg
4288 x 1033 lb
Kilometer km 1000 m
0.6214 mi
Miles mi 1.609 km
Ton t (US short) 2000  lb
megaton of TNT Mt 4.1 x 1022 ergs
4.1 x 1015 joules
4.4 x 1014 kg-meters
1.13 x 1012 kilowatt-hrs
3.06 x 1012 Btu
Ergs .0000001 joules
1.02 x 10-8 kg-meters
2.78 x 10-11 kilowatt-hrs
7.48 x 10-11 Btu


Exponent & Name Chart:

Number Name Power of Ten
One 10^0
Ten 10^1
Hundred 10^2
Thousand 10^3
Million or mega 10^6
Billion 10^9
Trillion 10^12
Quadrillion 10^15
Quintillion 10^18
Sextillion 10^21
Septillion 10^24
Octillion 10^27
Nonillion 10^30
Decillion 10^33
Undecillion 10^36
Dodecillion 10^39
Tredecillion 10^42
Quattuordecillion 10^45
Quindecillion 10^48
Sexdecillion 10^51
Septendecillion 10^54
Octodecillion 10^57
Novemdecillion 10^60
Vigintillion 10^63
Unvigintillion 10^66
Dovigintillion 10^69
Trevigintillion 10^72
Quattuorvigintillion 10^75
Quinvigintillion 10^78
Sexvigintillion 10^81
Septenvigintillion 10^84
Octovigintillion 10^87
Novemvigintillion 10^90
Trigintillion 10^93
Unrtigintillion 10^96
Dotrigintillion 10^99
Googol 10^100
Tretrigintillion 10^102
Quattuortrigintillion 10^105
Quintrigintillion 10^108
Sextrigintillion 10^111
Septentrigintillion 10^114
Octotrigintillion 10^117
Novemtrigintillion 10^120
Googolplex 10^10googols

There is no rational need for any larger number to exist in this universe because there are no more than a Trigintillion (10^93) elemental particles in the known universe.  There aren't even enough particles in the universe to write the number!

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