
Last revised: 04/05/01 08:51 PM

AAGHS		Afro-American Genealogical and Historical Society
AASP		American Antiquarian Society Proceedings
AFRA		American Family Records Association
AL		American Legion
AOP		American Order of Pioneers
APG		Association of Professional Genealogist
ASG		American Society of Genealogists
APJI		Association for Protection of Jewish Immigrants

BCG		Board for Certification of Genealogists
BIA		Bureau of Indian Affairs
BLM		Bureau of Land Management

CAR		Children of the American Revolution
CDA		Colonial Dames of America
CG		Certified Genealogist
CGRS		Certified Genealogical Records Specialist
CSA		Confederate States of America

DAB		Dictionary of American Biography
DAC		Daughters of the American Colonists
DAR		Daughters of the American Revolution
DRT		Daughters of the Republic of Texas

FARC		Federal Archives and Records Centers (branches of the National Archives)
FASG		Fellow, American Society  of Genealogists
FGS		Federation of Genealogical Societies
FHC		Family History Center
FHL		Family History Library
FR		Family Registry
FUGA		Fellow, Utah Genealogical Association

GPAI		Genealogical Periodical Annual Index
GSG		Genealogical Speakers Guild
GSW 1812		General Society of the War of 1812

HEIC		Honorable East India Company

IGI		International Genealogical Index
IGHR		Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research, Sanford University
ISBGFH		International Society of British Genealogy and Family History

JNH		Journal of Negro History

LC		Library of Congress
LDS		Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

MCA		Microfilm Corporation of America
MM		Monthly Meeting of Society of Friends (Quakers)
MQ		Mayflower Quarterly

NA		National Archives in Washington, D.C.; Native American
NARA		National Archives and Records Administration
NARS		National Archives and Record Service
NEH		National Endowment for the Humanities
NEHGR		New England Historic Genealogical Register [publication of NEHGS]
NEHGS		New England Historic Genealogical Society
NGS		National Genealogical Society
NHPRC		National Historical Publications and Records Commission
NIGR		National Institute of Genealogical Research
NSCDA		National Society of the Colonial Dames of America
NSDAR		National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution
NUCMC		National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections

SAR		Sons of the American Revolution
SDA		Seventh Day Adventists

UDC		United Daughters of the Confederacy
USCG		United States Coast Guard
USCT		United States Colored Troops
USMC		United States Marine Corps
USN		United States Navy
USWPA		United States Works Progress Administration

WPA		Works Progress Administration
WRHS		Western Reserve Historical Society
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