John /Sansom/
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death:
Spouses and Children
1. *Paulina /Stafford/ ( - ) 14 Marriage: Status:Saloma /Sarff/
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death:
Spouses and Children
1. *Harrison C. /Maynard/ (1855 - ) 7 Marriage: 17 Sep 1876 7 Status: Children: 1. Issara /Maynard/ ( - ) 7 2. Floyd W. /Maynard/ ( - ) 7 3. Forest C. /Maynard/ ( - ) 7Ervin /Sargent/
Sex: M
Father: John Harve /Sargent/ ( - ) 223 Mother: Lucy /Webb/ ( - ) 223
Spouses and Children
1. *Erma /Crum/ Children: 1. Sandy /Sargent/John Harve /Sargent/
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death:
Spouses and Children
1. *Lucy /Webb/ ( - ) 223 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Ervin /Sargent/Sandy /Sargent/
Sex: F
Father: Ervin /Sargent/ Mother: Erma /Crum/Arlene /Sarnstrom/
Sex: F
Spouses and Children
1. *Francis Edward /Schommer/Elijah /Sartin/
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death:
Spouses and Children
1. *Matilda /Frederick/ ( - ) 2 Marriage: Status:Elizabeth /Sartin/
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: Oct 1856 - , , Kentucky 7 Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death:
Spouses and Children
1. *James /Frederick/ (Apr 1855 - ) 2,7 Marriage: 5 Mar 1874 - , Martin Co., Kentucky 7 Status: Children: 1. Mary Jane /Frederick/ (1875- ) 2 2. Elzuva /Frederick/ (1878- ) 2,7 3. Nathan /Frederick/ (1878- ) 2 4. Morning /Frederick/ ( - ) 2 5. Bertha /Frederick/ ( - ) 2 6. Patricia /Frederick/ ( -1954) 2 7. J. B. /Frederick/ ( - ) 2 8. Angeline /Frederick/ ( - ) 2 9. America /Frederick/ (1892- ) 7James /Sartin/
Sex: M
Spouses and Children
1. *Dixie /Howard/Lewis /Sartin/
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death:
Spouses and Children
1. *Lydia /Hatfield/ ( - ) 7 Marriage: Status: Children: 1. Viola /Sartin/ (1911-1986) 7
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